Data Scientist With Microsoft

ASSOCIATE CERTIFICATION: Microsoft Certified: Azure Data Scientist Associate

CERTIFICATION EXAM: Designing and Implementing a Data Science Solution on Azure (Exam DP-100)

Data Scientist Career Path


DP-090T00: Implementing a Machine Learning Solution with Microsoft Azure Databricks – Training

Azure Databricks is a cloud-scale platform for data analytics and machine learning. In this course, you’ll learn how to use Azure Databricks to explore, prepare, and model data; and integrate Databricks machine learning processes with Azure Machine Learning.

DP-100T01: Designing and Implementing a Data Science Solution on Azure

This course teaches you to leverage your existing knowledge of Python and machine learning to manage data ingestion and preparation, model training and deployment, and machine learning solution monitoring with Azure Machine Learning and MLflow.

My Learnings.

# Calculate the number of empty cells in each column
# The following line consists of three commands. Try
# to think about how they work together to calculate
# the number of missing entries per column
missing_data = dataset.isnull().sum().to_frame()

# Rename column holding the sums
missing_data = missing_data.rename(columns={0:'Empty Cells'})

# Print the results

## OR 
print(dataset.isnull().sum().to_frame().rename(columns={0:'Empty Cells'}))

# Show the missing value rows


import pandas as pd

# Load data from a text file
df_students = pd.read_csv('grades.csv',delimiter=',',header='infer')

# Remove any rows with missing data
df_students = df_students.dropna(axis=0, how='any')

# Calculate who passed, assuming '60' is the grade needed to pass
passes  = pd.Series(df_students['Grade'] >= 60)

# Save who passed to the Pandas dataframe
df_students = pd.concat([df_students, passes.rename("Pass")], axis=1)

# Create a figure for 2 subplots (1 row, 2 columns)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize = (10,4))

# Create a bar plot of name vs grade on the first axis
ax[0].bar(x=df_students.Name, height=df_students.Grade, color='orange')
ax[0].set_xticklabels(df_students.Name, rotation=90)

# Create a pie chart of pass counts on the second axis
pass_counts = df_students['Pass'].value_counts()
ax[1].pie(pass_counts, labels=pass_counts)
ax[1].set_title('Passing Grades')

# Add a title to the Figure
fig.suptitle('Student Data')

# Show the figure

# Create a function that we can re-use
# Create a function that we can re-use
def show_distribution_with_quantile(var_data, quantile = 0):
    This function will make a distribution (graph) and display it

    if(quantile > 0){
        # calculate the quantile percentile
        q01 = var_data.quantile(quantile) 
        print(f"quantile = {q01}")

        var_data = var_data[var_data>q01]

    # Get statistics
    min_val = var_data.min()
    max_val = var_data.max()
    mean_val = var_data.mean()
    med_val = var_data.median()
    mod_val = var_data.mode()[0]


    # Create a figure for 2 subplots (2 rows, 1 column)
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize = (10,4))

    # Plot the histogram   

    # Add lines for the mean, median, and mode
    ax[0].axvline(x=min_val, color = 'gray', linestyle='dashed', linewidth = 2)
    ax[0].axvline(x=mean_val, color = 'cyan', linestyle='dashed', linewidth = 2)
    ax[0].axvline(x=med_val, color = 'red', linestyle='dashed', linewidth = 2)
    ax[0].axvline(x=mod_val, color = 'yellow', linestyle='dashed', linewidth = 2)
    ax[0].axvline(x=max_val, color = 'gray', linestyle='dashed', linewidth = 2)

    # Plot the boxplot   
    ax[1].boxplot(var_data, vert=False)

    # Add a title to the Figure
    fig.suptitle('Data Distribution')

    # Show the figure

# Get the variable to examine
col = df_students['Grade']
# Call the function
def show_density(var_data):
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,4))

    # Plot density

    # Add titles and labels
    plt.title('Data Density')

    # Show the mean, median, and mode
    plt.axvline(x=var_data.mean(), color = 'cyan', linestyle='dashed', linewidth = 2)
    plt.axvline(x=var_data.median(), color = 'red', linestyle='dashed', linewidth = 2)
    plt.axvline(x=var_data.mode()[0], color = 'yellow', linestyle='dashed', linewidth = 2)

    # Show the figure

# Get the density of StudyHours

Azure Databricks

Mount a remote Azure storage account as a DBFS folder, using the dbutils module:

data_storage_account_name = '<data_storage_account_name>'
data_storage_account_key = '<data_storage_account_key>'

data_mount_point = '/mnt/data'

data_file_path = '/bronze/wwi-factsale.csv'

  source = f"wasbs://dev@{data_storage_account_name}",
  mount_point = data_mount_point,
  extra_configs = {f"{data_storage_account_name}": data_storage_account_key})

#this path is available as dbfs:/mnt/data for spark APIs, e.g.
#this path is available as file:/dbfs/mnt/data for regular APIs, e.g. os.listdir

# %fs magic command - for accessing the dbutils filesystem module. Most dbutils.fs commands are available using %fs magic commands

We can override the cell’s default programming language by using one of the following magic commands at the start of the cell:

  • %python – for cells running python code
  • %scala – for cells running scala code
  • %r – for cells running R code
  • %sql – for cells running sql code

Additional magic commands are available:

  • %md – for descriptive cells using markdown
  • %sh – for cells running shell commands
  • %run – for cells running code defined in a separate notebook
  • %fs – for cells running code that uses dbutils commands

WordPress Cheat Sheet

Basic Template Files

File NameDescription
style.cssstyle sheet file
index.phphome page file
header.phpheader content file
single.phpsingle post page file
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searchform.phpsearch form file
search.phpsearch content file
404.phperror page file
comments.phpcomments template file
footer.phpfooter content file
sidebar.phpsidebar content file
page.phpsingle page file
front-page.phplatest posts or static page
tag.phpdisplay tags in archive format
category.phpdisplay categories in archive format
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HTML CSS Snippets

Adding page breaks to your web pages


This is the text for page #1.

<p style="page-break-before: always">

Page #2...


<p style="page-break-before: always">

Page #3...



Wrap text in a <pre> tag

  pre {
    overflow-x: auto;
    white-space: pre-wrap;
    white-space: -moz-pre-wrap;
    white-space: -pre-wrap;
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Hyper Useful, Ready To Use HTML Snippets